Responsible gambling

It is essential to note that engaging in gambling activities under the age of 18 is prohibited by law. Below, you’ll find valuable tips and guidance on maintaining control over your gambling habits to ensure they remain enjoyable and safe. Additionally, information on seeking professional assistance and how can assist you in gambling responsibly is provided. Safer Gambling Guidelines

  1. Responsible Spending: Only gamble with disposable income, avoiding funds necessary for essential expenses like rent or bills.
  2. Avoid Chasing Losses: Refrain from attempting to recoup losses by exceeding predetermined betting limits, as this often leads to further financial setbacks.
  3. Take Regular Breaks: If gambling ceases to be enjoyable, take a hiatus to reevaluate your habits.
  4. Set Financial Limits: Determine a maximum loss threshold before betting, and adhere to it strictly. Once reached, it’s crucial to step away.
  5. Time Management: Set predetermined time limits for gambling sessions and adhere to them diligently.
  6. Prioritize Relationships: Ensure gambling does not supersede social activities or spending time with loved ones.
  7. View Gambling as Entertainment: Consider gambling as a form of entertainment expenditure, akin to dining out or going to the cinema.
  8. Emotional State: Refrain from gambling while experiencing negative emotions such as anger, sadness, or frustration, as they can impair decision-making abilities.
  9. Avoid Substance Use: Refrain from gambling under the influence of alcohol or drugs, as impaired judgment can lead to reckless behavior.

Identifying Problem Gambling Signs

  • Betting larger amounts in an attempt to recover previous losses.
  • Exceeding planned time and monetary limits for gambling activities.
  • Concealing gambling habits or expenditures from family and friends.
  • Loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities or social interactions.
  • Constant preoccupation with gambling-related thoughts.
  • Depleting financial resources entirely through gambling.
  • Feeling the need to increase bet sizes to sustain excitement.
  • Resorting to borrowing money or engaging in fraudulent activities to fund gambling habits.
  • Experiencing feelings of anxiety, guilt, or depression related to gambling. Safer Gambling Tools

  • Deposit Limits: Control the amount you can deposit within specified timeframes.
  • Reality Check Alerts: Receive notifications regarding your logged-in duration to manage time spent gambling.
  • Cool-Off Period: Utilize features to temporarily block access to the platform for designated durations.
  • Account History Monitoring: Track betting history, deposits, and withdrawals for enhanced financial oversight.
  • Self-Exclusion Options: Opt for self-exclusion from all gambling-related activities for extended periods if necessary.

Requesting Support from

If you require assistance in restricting access to our website or social media platforms, offers the following options:

  • Website Blocking Solutions: Our team can advise you on various website filtering and blocking tools to prevent access to
  • Social Media Restrictions: Reach out to us via email at or through our Twitter handle @epicfootball__ to request blocking access to our betting content and tips.

Professional Support Resources

For additional guidance and support concerning problem gambling, consider reaching out to the following organizations:

  • BeGambleAware
  • Gambling Therapy
  • Gamblers Anonymous
  • GamCare
  • Safer Gambling remains committed to promoting responsible gambling practices, ensuring the safety and well-being of our users at all times.